From wild surrounds comes one of nature’s gentlest gifts

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The rugged Mānuka tree is found in remote reaches of New Zealand and the honey produced from its nectar is considered one of nature’s wonder foods.

Nestled in the untouched surrounds of northern coastal and central alpine regions, our hives are perfectly positioned to pollinate the prized Mānuka bush, native to New Zealand. Here, in some of the most remote parts of our land, Mānuka nectar is collected by our hardworking bees, transformed into honey and carefully harvested by our beekeepers.


Where the magic happens

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It takes a special blend of environmental conditions to source premium Mānuka honey with high MGO ratings. To ensure the purity and consistency of our honey, we have carefully chosen remote locations where we know the hardy Mānuka tree is dominant. Our hives are located in the remote depths of both northern coastal and central alpine areas where Mānuka grows strong against tough conditions and our bees have a beautiful, untouched backdrop to enjoy as they work hard on their secret recipe.


Premium plant power

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Beyond its beautiful flavour, Mānuka honey is naturally nourishing. Māori and early settlers recognised the Mānuka bush for its unique properties, and Mānuka-based products have long been revered in traditional remedies. Science has since shed light that this can be attributed to Mānuka honey’s naturally occuring active ingredient, Methylglyoxal (MGO). By the drizzle, the spread or the spoonful, Mānuka honey is versatile and can be enjoyed on its own, in drinks or used in cooking.


Not all honey is created equal

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Mānuka honey is authenticated by ratings that separate it from any other honey. All our honey is lab-tested, and we rate our honey with MGO (Methylglyoxal) concentration, which is the NZ officially recognised method, and transparently reflects the actual natural activity of the honey. MGO is easy to understand - the higher the number, the better the unique Mānuka power. Sometimes honey has been rated with NPA (non-peroxidal activity) or UMF (unique manuka factor) which are mathematically produced values based on the MGO level. Our honey ranges from 100MGO to 1000MGO - when seasonally available.
